الثلاثاء، 14 أكتوبر 2014

Best European country for tourism

There is no doubt that the travel benefits of many of the most important to identify the country and the people of New and gain the expertise of more, and are also the travel period is a period of rest and recreation subside where the self and the rest of the hassles of work, and are considered European countries, one of the best states leading up to this purpose, and that is a destination for many travelers for tourism, and may Random yourselves today to a group of the best European countries in which we travel to for the purpose of tourism. 

Best European country for tourism: 

Fbaris is the most visited city in the world, so it is no surprise that France now dominate the global economy, tourism, t the Louvre Museum, Disneyland Paris, the Eiffel Tower, are all popular destinations in the "City of Love", which contributes to its popularity. And Marseille and Lyon's two largest cities in France after Paris and cities are also enjoyable. 

And another country is a popular for its beaches and islands in them, and Spain are the most popular destination for summer. But unfortunately the global recession hit hard the Spanish tourism market, but still Tenerife and Mallorca popular destinations incredible, and the city of Santiago de Compostela is the third holiest city in the world after Vatican City and Jerusalem. And is located 42 of the World Heritage site in the country. 

Arguably one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and earn Italy's fourth-largest amount of money through tourism. Since its stunning coast attracts a lot of people, and Kzzk islands such as Sardinia and Sicily. And Rome is one of the most visited cities in the world, while the Colosseum among the most visited sites in the world. And Milan, as well as its rich culture attracts many. It is one of the most important cities in the world in terms of fashion, Italian cuisine also brings many tourists. And Milan also has a seven-star hotels and Townhouse Galleria. 

united kingdom: 
United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) receives most of the tourists from European countries, such as France and Germany. However, the United States is the most valuable market, although behind the visitors to France by nearly one million inhabitants. Most of the tourists who visit the United Kingdom are traveling to England to see the many historical structures such as Stonehenge and the experience of London, which is in fact the most visited cities in the world. Scotland also receive many tourists, mainly because of the historic castles of Cardiff, Wales and is also a popular destination. 

Is the sixth countries most visited in Europe, has been rated Germany as one of the travel destinations safest in Alm.mazm visitors come from the Netherlands, to a large extent with the United States and Switzerland, in a survey conducted by the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) found that 75% culture of the people chose as one of the main reasons to visit while 59% chose the outdoor / Alralraadi, also received a boost tourism in the country strong in 2006, due to host the world Cup football. Berlin is by far the most visited among cities, with Munich and mainly due to the annual Oktoberfest. 

And is located in the Atlantic Ocean, which is adjacent to the island of Britain, by the fountain attractive and excellent hotels and lakes and the River Shannon, which covers the country from north to south, and away from the United Kingdom to 80 km. 

And is a federal republic, constitute 80% of the mountain area, and constitute a large part of the Eastern Alps, and is one of the most popular destinations for holidays, because of their nature and green lakes net and snow-capped mountains, and great places to shop, including Vienna. 

And is located in the north of Europe, and there are many islands and elegant architecture and rich history and diverse heritage and the ruins of the stone age, in addition to the wonderful varieties of food in restaurants, even the smallest one of the largest. 

And is located in the north of Europe, and is the third largest country in the European Union, and there are many beautiful cities and stretching by forests and mountains, glaciers and landscapes picturesque lakes, and tourists can practice sport ice-skating, and can be scenes of palace Royal building and the city council, which is held in which the distribution of Nobel Prizes celebrations.

الخميس، 21 أغسطس 2014

Tourism sun shines again in Egypt

Sharm el-Sheikh receives about 65 flights a day 

Salim Saleh: 14 thousand tourists arriving at Sharm el-Sheikh every day .. This is the promise of the return of tourism to nature 

Large turnout of Egyptians to coastal cities in Hurghada, Dahab, Ain Sukhna 

Interest in diversifying tourist trips and the introduction of cruises and desert safaris 

Diving tourism to attract Arab and foreign to see the coral reefs of brilliant colors 

Safari to learn about the nomadic life and colorful mountains and nature reserves 

Archaeological and historical landmarks telling the story of more than seven thousand years of civilization and stresses that Egypt «Mother of the World» 

Jassim Ltinayb wrote: 
Egypt back and recovering after an absence of Tourism reported several years ago, which is experiencing a tourism attention and initiatives coincide with the return of calm and security and stability .. where she was visiting media delegation from the Arab Center for Media Tourism chance to see up close to the sights and efforts and development in the tourist activity in Egypt. 
Today tourism back with full force and start to tourist cities in North and South Sinai after the promotion of safety and security and stability out. 
Has raised the Egyptian government through the Minister of Tourism Hisham Zaazou and agent first and the Ministry of Tourism and head of the tourism sector internal Majdi Salim logo and initiative «and Hactona» which mobilized as all other sectors of the state for the return of tourism and tourists to Egypt secure and stable to embrace all tourists of all nationalities Arab and foreign. 
In this context, said Director General of the revitalization of tourism in Sharm el-Sheikh Salim Saleh, said that Sharm El Sheikh has an international airport receives all global destinations, explaining that the city receives daily between 45 to 65 trip after the launch of the initiative and Hactona announced by the Ministry of Tourism and campaigns adopted by the Minister of Tourism and roads all Doors for the return of these global tourism to Egypt unguarded. 
And between Salim Saleh that between ten thousand to 14 thousand tourists a day to arrive in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh and these signs and indicators on the return of tourism to normal earlier but up from previous periods. 
He noted that Arab nationalities which are flocking to Sharm El Sheikh heavily from Jordan to being close to them and there are offers discounts very large include flight and accommodation, followed by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and the rest of the other Arab states, and in relation to foreigners find Russian tourists and Englishmen and Americans in the foreground and the rest of the European countries who keen on tourism in Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh, Hurghada and other such sites which attracted them foreign tourists. 
He stated that this year we noticed severe turnout of Egyptians to Sharm and Hurghada, Dahab, Ain Sokhna and other terms of domestic tourism has been activated. 
As the city of Sharm el-Sheikh has gained international fame. 
He said that there is a great development and attention from the state, which includes all areas of entertainment and investment in projects safari tourism, cruises and desert .. has contributed to all of this in attracting Arab and foreign tourists, especially in the diving tourism (Burier) and watch the coral reefs multiple colors and shapes, fish, which is famous for Sharm Sheikh and Hurghada and also also safari tourism desert where nomadic life and colored mountains and valleys and natural reserves in Ras Mohammed and St. Catherine. 
Salim Saleh, said that the number of tourist hotel rooms in Sharm el-Sheikh up to 49 000 room tourist whom about ten thousand rooms under construction. 
The Sharm el-Sheikh is characterized by widespread commercial markets in Naama Bay and the Old Market and the famous restaurants, cafes and Arabic sessions and also contain entertainment spots and attractive beaches and warm atmosphere and clear water surrounded by coral reefs. 
He pointed out that the return of Egypt to calm makes it an attractive tourist destination and its landmarks and its effects and its natural resources, which tells the story of more than seven thousand years of conquest and the successive civilizations of Egypt unguarded (or lower). 
Having known Delegation media Gulf of the Arab Center for Media tourist from near the tourist activity carried out by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism as they toured in tourist facilities in Cairo included street Muizz Fatimid and the Pyramids, Khan el-Khalili and Hussein, and also had tours in Sharm El Sheikh and briefed on preparations for the reception of tourists Arabs and foreigners
Source: alwatan kuwait.

1.10 billion dollars spending Emirates on family tourism

An analysis prepared by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) within its preparations to host the tenth session of the Islamic Economic Forum in Dubai, during the period from 28 until October 30 / October 0.2014 for increasing growth witnessed in the tourism sector family that has enhanced its position as a pivotal role in the growth of Islamic Economics, where he showed analysis, based on data company Thomson Reuters, that family tourism represents 5.12% of the global tourism market with a total value amounted to 137 billion dollars in 2012 and 140 billion USD in 2013. Description and analysis of the potential market size and family tourism as the largest market of the United States, which is the most important market in the traditional tourism, by the acquisition of 4.11% of the size of the global market. 
Said Abdul Rahman Al Ghurair, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), commenting on the results of this analysis: "The family tourism is one of the most dynamic sectors in the tourism industry at the global level, which is a key element in the movement of the growth of Islamic economics, pointing out that Muslim travelers representing part significant movement of global tourism, where it became meet the requirements of families and redefine the core areas of tourism activities of the most important factors in the growth of the tourism industry. " 
He Ghurair: "The importance of the findings of its analysis to highlight the initiative" Dubai, capital of Islamic economics, "which was launched in 2013, which identified family tourism being an important pillar and a key growth areas, where the initiative aims to enhance the stature of the Dubai International as an attractive center for family tourism, through Matuverh of infrastructure services and hospitality facilities geared to families and compatible with Islamic norms. " 

The potential for exceptional 

Shed analysis highlights the ingredients and potential extraordinary owned by the UAE market in the field of family tourism, and that made it occupies first place in the category of tourism within the Competitiveness Index of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation at 0.2013 as Emirates achieved an advanced rank in the travel markets emerging, because of the added values ​​provided by families and rooted in the local culture. 
It also ranked the UAE ranked second worldwide assessment of 0.7 according to the criteria site "Crescent Ratnj" e-leading specialist in the field of travel and who take from Singapore-based, while the achieved both Saudi Arabia and Morocco advanced places in the evaluation of global destinations more importantly, where I got Saudi Arabia 5. 0.6 and 4.6 on Morocco. While Malaysia accounted for the highest assessment arrived at 4. 0.8, which helped to attract more than 170 thousand visitors from the Gulf region alone during 2013. 
The analysis indicates that both Malaysia and the UAE are among the main sources of Muslim tourists, as of the most important tourist destinations in the region, what consolidates Mkantehma International in the field of tourism global family. It is worth mentioning that the countries of the Middle East and North Africa has seven points out of the top ten destinations within the family of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. 

Tourists "cooperation" 

According to the analysis of tourists contribute to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), including an estimated 31% of the volume of total spending on tourism activities, although the proportion of low population density in the region, which constitutes only 3% of the Muslims in the world. Saudi Arabia is also one of the most important sources of family tourism, which accounted for 1.17 billion dollars worth of spending in 2012. While Emirates has spent 1.1 billion dollars, compared to 4.7 billion USD for travelers from Kuwait. The analysis said that Iran is the main source of tourists in the region, the size of the total spending of the passengers arrived at 2.18 billion dollars. 
The report, citing recent studies concerning the Islamic economy that family tourism has grown in value of 137 billion USD in 2012 to over 140 billion USD in 2013. It is expected to increase the value to 181 billion dollars by 2018, driven by population growth in the Muslim world and the strong economic performance. Industry experts predict that the sector achieved an annual growth of tourism, a strong family is estimated at 79.4% until 2020, and at a rate higher than the global growth rate estimated at 8.3%, reflecting the growing importance of Islamic economics.

Saudi families spend 17.1 billion dollars on tourism and Iran in the first place

The Saudi Arabia in second place in terms of the most important exporters of family tourism in the world, in terms of the volume of expenditure, which amounted to 17.1 billion dollars in 2012, while knocked off Iran in the first place the size of spending reached 18.2 billion dollars in the same period, while spent Emirates 10.1 billion versus $ 7.4 billion dollars for travelers from Kuwait. 
An analysis prepared by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) within its preparations to host the 10th Islamic Economic Forum in Dubai, during the period from 28 to November 30 (October) next, for increasing growth witnessed in the tourism sector family that has enhanced its position as a pivotal role in the growth of Islamic economics, according As published in the newspaper "Life". 
The analysis showed, based on data company Thomson Reuters, that family tourism represents 12.5 percent of the global tourism market size spending reached 137 billion dollars in 2012 and nearly 140 billion dollars in 2013. 
Description and analysis of the potential market size and family tourism as the largest market of the United States, which is the most important market in the traditional tourism, by the acquisition of 11.4 percent of the size of the global market. 
The importance of the findings of its analysis to highlight the initiative "Dubai, capital of Islamic economics," which was launched in 2013, which identified family tourism being an important pillar and one of the areas of key growth, since the initiative aims to enhance the stature of the Dubai International as an attractive center for family tourism, from through the provision of infrastructure services and hospitality facilities geared to families and compatible with Islamic norms. 
According to the standards of the site "Crescent Ratng" e-leading specialist in the field of travel and tourism, which is based in Singapore-based "achieved all of Saudi Arabia and Morocco advanced places in the calendar between tourist destinations global importantly, it got Saudi Arabia to assess 6.5, and Morocco at 6.4 at the time Malaysia accounted for the highest calendar reached 8.4, which has helped to attract more than 170 thousand visitors from the Gulf region alone during 2013. "
According to the analysis of tourists thereby contributing GCC countries with 31 percent of the volume of total spending on tourism activities, although the proportion of low population density in the region, which constitute only 3 percent of the Muslims in the world. 
The report, citing recent studies concerning the Islamic economy that family tourism has grown in value of 137 billion dollars during 2012 to 140 billion dollars in 2013 is expected to increase the value to 181 billion dollars by 2018 driven by population growth in the Muslim world and the strong economic performance. 
Industry experts predict that the sector achieved an annual growth of tourism family strong estimated B4.79 percent until 2020, and at a rate higher than the global growth rate, estimated with 3.8 percent, reflecting the growing importance of Islamic economics.

Decline in tourism after the Israeli war on Gaza

Decline in the number of tourists coming to Israel within the last month about a quarter as a result of the security situation that prevails is Almsttbh country on aggression on the Gaza Strip.
According to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, the number of foreigners coming to Israel declined over the past month to levels in 2007 after several years of rising stable, was a logon 218 thousand foreign visitors to the country any less than 26% compared to the same period of 2013, and the lowest levels recorded during the month of July in the years between 2008 and 2013. 

Israel considers all foreign visitors entering the country and is home to more than one night a tourist, and accordingly, the number of tourists who visited Israel in July amounted to 194 thousand tourists, ie less by 21% compared to the same month last year. 

The Israeli Ministry of Tourism it plans to invest in marketing campaigns in key countries to stimulate domestic tourism, after this retreat. 

It is noteworthy that the military operation carried out by Israel against the Gaza Strip has been going on the seventh of July and until the present time, and forced some international airlines to suspend flights to Tel Aviv for a temporary period, after the fall of the rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip near the Tel Aviv international airport. 

Israel and received during the first seven months of the year, some 2.1 million foreign visitors any more than 4% compared to the same period last year. 

And occupied Russia during the first half of this year, the second largest source of tourists to Israel after the United States, where he visited Israel during this period, about 180 thousand Russian tourists, up 25% compared to the same period last year. 

Source: RT + Novosti

Relax and charming nature in Hua Hin

Enjoy the tourism in Thailand, with many places of natural and charming, which is one of the best places for lovers of calm and relaxation, Hua Hin is famous for its tourism and family therapy centers and high-quality health resorts in the world and is the most important tourist attractions in Thai tourism.

The city is quiet and small, near Bangkok, and is characterized by magnificent beaches, which extends to a distance of 5 kilometers, a spotless white sand and clean sea water. And dotted with hotels of all levels, and restaurants along the beach, which offers delicious seafood what, and gives them a chance to taste the delicious Thai food, versus a very small price to pay, so they are a favorite of most tourists tourism in Thailand.

The most important characteristic of Hua Hin diverse markets, such as market and market cicada Cha Am, two Echtassan art, crafts, and shopping village, and the night market, which favored by most of the tourists in the Thai tourism. 

  There is a lot of logic, which realized the visit in tourism Thailand, especially in Hua Hin, such as parks brilliant and tops highlands, caves and waterfalls, and Mentdjaha coastal golf course first in Thailand, which contains a 18-hole, and mangrove forests which is famous lanes wooden charming. 

Here photographs of Hua Hin Pearl Thai tourism


Jordan launches promotional campaigns to stimulate leisure tourism on its territory

Jordan Tourism is one of the most important Arab countries, which enjoy a variety of relics and historic sites brilliant, which play a major role in the revitalization of tourism in Jordan, but Jordan Tourism Board wanted to expanding its tourism through patterns, a new tourist on its soil from which to increase the popularity and yield Tourism from the Jordanian tourism and these patterns, which is working hard to revitalize the tourism and recreation in an effort to enter the new field of tourism.
The campaign focuses on educating travel agents belonging to the institution Virtuoso world's leading leisure tourism on the best sites, resorts and hotels in Tours, Jordan, and is executed campaign funded by the United States Agency for International Development, through the Jordan Tourism Board, offering training workshops electronically, targeting more than six thousands agent Travel and Tourism continued the institution in North America. 

It is most important things that will support the activation pattern in the new tourist tourism Jordan is Jordan and the culture of good people and they have the nature of the picturesque beauty of nature has its own traditions and history, as well as resorts and luxury hotels, fine dining and high-end markets, which contribute significantly to tourism in Jordan. 

The longer this campaign one of the largest campaigns carried out by the Jordan Tourism Board, where which has seen targeting 8900 agent Travel and Tourism in twenty countries, and contribute to the campaign Jordan Tourism Board to train a network of Tourist and Travel Agents International specialize in tourism in Jordan. 

Here a group picture of tourism in Jordan