Decline in the number of tourists coming to Israel within the last month about a quarter as a result of the security situation that prevails is Almsttbh country on aggression on the Gaza Strip.
According to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, the number of foreigners coming to Israel declined over the past month to levels in 2007 after several years of rising stable, was a logon 218 thousand foreign visitors to the country any less than 26% compared to the same period of 2013, and the lowest levels recorded during the month of July in the years between 2008 and 2013.
Israel considers all foreign visitors entering the country and is home to more than one night a tourist, and accordingly, the number of tourists who visited Israel in July amounted to 194 thousand tourists, ie less by 21% compared to the same month last year.
The Israeli Ministry of Tourism it plans to invest in marketing campaigns in key countries to stimulate domestic tourism, after this retreat.
It is noteworthy that the military operation carried out by Israel against the Gaza Strip has been going on the seventh of July and until the present time, and forced some international airlines to suspend flights to Tel Aviv for a temporary period, after the fall of the rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip near the Tel Aviv international airport.
Israel and received during the first seven months of the year, some 2.1 million foreign visitors any more than 4% compared to the same period last year.
And occupied Russia during the first half of this year, the second largest source of tourists to Israel after the United States, where he visited Israel during this period, about 180 thousand Russian tourists, up 25% compared to the same period last year.
Source: RT + Novosti
this is also a niche market for our direct flights," explained Ms Hershkovitz. טיסות זולות לחול