I was traveling in the former long-distance monopoly on the young man, full of strong, but after the emergence of the modern means of transportation, became All able to travel, whether it is an old man or a young man or woman.
It has been estimated the number of tourists traveling internationally in 2006, about 840 million people, half of them for entertainment.
However, the travel, despite the ease of the transition, do not and will not devoid of Aloosa. At the beginning of the eighties of the last century, appeared a specialized branch of the branches of medicine, is a travel medicine.
Travel Medicine
* Travel medicine is the branch of medicine which deals with the health of the traveler to ensure suitability of healthy travel, in addition to giving health advice in the first place and the necessary vaccines or medications if necessary. And rarely find traveling in Western countries or Europe and America, do not visit the travel clinic before his trip International, In Canada, for example, more than 400 clinics offering this service for travelers.
Philosophy underlying the travel medicine depend on two factors:
* The first factor: measuring health risk factor, which falls below the following:
* Destination that will go a traveler, for example, the country of destination for Advanced healthy and civilized be less dangerous than the destination of a developing country.
* Length of stay in any classroom, all increased accommodation increased exposure to diseases and health risks in the country.
* Place of residence: hotel, what kind and level, or stay with a friend or relative.
* The health status of passengers: Does chronic diseases, such as diabetes or kidney diseases, respiratory and immune system.
* Omar traveler, a child or a baby?
* Women, you are pregnant, and in any week?
* Vaccines given to passengers routine including the existence of the sensitivity of eat or drink.
- The purpose of the travel.
* The second factor: medical advice before traveling Counseling and should preferably be a month before traveling to two months, so that the doctor give vaccines in case of non-taken and to be effective formation of antibodies before going to the country by the traveler. And even visit the day before her travel usefulness, at least for the purpose of counseling and giving the first dose of vaccinations.
* The spread of malaria in different parts of the world such as Africa (sub-Saharan), South Asia, Central and South America. Traveler and given preventive medicines depending on the resistance of the malaria parasite Klorequen.
Travel to Africa, for example, and in particular sub-Saharan, be fraught with the danger of malaria strongly, preventive medicines are given before and during travel and accommodation after the return, each according to his condition. In addition to special tips to prevent mosquito bites that transmit malaria.
Here we recommend Traveler follows:
* Prevention of mosquito bites, especially in the night time.
* Sprayer appropriate to sprinkle on the body every three or four hours while avoiding sprayed on the eye and mucous membranes.
* To use the nets when sleeping in these areas.
* Different areas where dengue fever from time to time. Here, too, advised the prevention of mosquito bites as much as possible, especially in the period after the age and wearing long sleeve clothing and other brightly.
* There are vaccines belonging to passengers, including routine such as a vaccine tetanus, and other optional and is the recommended depending on a person's health and direction of travel, such as typhoid for travelers destined India and Pakistan, and meningitis for Africa, sub-Saharan, and rabies vaccination or rabies anyone who travels for the purpose of hunting or camping Camping .
There are vaccinations request the authorities of the country Traveler him, such as yellow fever vaccination required by some African countries and Latin America (Brazil), and meningitis vaccination required by Saudi Arabia of pilgrims arriving.
Chronic diseases and Travel
* Must on any traveler suffers from a chronic disease check with your doctor before you travel specialist. For example, diabetics to adjust the insulin dose and timing. The person who has the risk of thrombosis in the legs, it is advisable to walk in the plane every 3 to 4 hours, and wearing baggy clothes.
There are some airlines offering films for the work of special exercises for travelers during the trip.
- Self-treatment.
* Those who are traveling for the purpose of work, such as lectures, business deals, honeymoon trips, give them the type of antibiotic and inhibitor of diarrhea, as well as fluids to combat dehydration. We note that some countries require some sort of health insurance to enter its territory, and should discuss this with your travel agent.
Travel to areas of high
* Risk increases when traveling to rise above 2500 meters above sea level, due to the low oxygen pressure, feels Traveler dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing. This is not recommended at all for those with sickle cell anemia.
In the case of the average person is advised to climb out, and given a drug called Acetazolamide, twice before boarding and day during the climb, and if necessary given oxygen.
* Advised not to travel by plane, but after 12 hours of the last dive, and 24 hours in the case of the exercise several times.
Disruption of biological clock
* Happen disorder body clock Jet Lag with crossing over in the time zone of the traveling east or west (which is more pronounced for the traveler from the West to the East), are shown symptoms such as drowsiness, lethargy and digestive disorders.
To minimize these symptoms, we recommend the following:
* Take a nap, even if short in the plane.
* Try to sleep for four hours in the night in the country Traveler him.
* Do not drink excessive stimuli in the plane.
And these symptoms usually disappear with time.
After travel
* But after traveling, usually recommend next travel to visit a doctor if:
The duration of his stay in the country for more than three months, even without any symptoms.
He had heat, whatever.
He had diarrhea.
In the case of taking medication (who has a chronic illness).
Sexually transmitted infection.
General health tips for travelers
* Dr. Rezgui draw some general tips for travelers, including:
1.altakd of taking all routine vaccinations, such as tetanus, every ten years so as not to be exposed to the disease when exposed to a small wound contaminated with the bacterium tetanus.
2. vaccination against hepatitis A. both types A and B. B.
3 reduce the intake of the authorities as much as possible, and not to eat uncooked food well.
4. ensure that the pasteurized cheese, as well as milk.
5. not to buy food from street vendors in the streets and on the sidewalks, including the ice cream (ice cream).
6. avoid putting ice in the water or drinks (beverages may be clean, but the water is contaminated).
The previous tips (from 2 to 6) intended to reduce the incidence of diarrhea travel and some endemic diseases in the country intended Kaltyvoid and brucellosis.
Travel Bag light and simple ..
* You must be traveling bag is light and simple and include:
* Medicines covered by the patient in the case of chronic illness, such as diabetes and pressure.
* A sufficient amount of insulin needles in the event that the patient has diabetes on insulin.
* Antiseptic wounds.
* Medical gauze, and Adhesives wounds.
* Tranquilizers and pain relievers.
Tips for prevention of strong sunlight
* There are tips for lighter-skinned for the prevention of UV light, including:
* Wear long sleeves.
* Lack of exposure to direct sunlight a long time, especially in the afternoon.
* Develop and sunscreen Sunscreen SP15 +, on areas not covered by clothing, such as the face and hands.
* Protect children from sun exposure.
The dangers of travel to the categories of ages
* Are there certain categories may constitute a sort of traveling by danger?
According to consultant Infectious Diseases Travel Medicine, Dr. Rezgui that there are already groups of society may constitute a sort of traveling by danger and need special attention, such as a pregnant woman, a child, and those with chronic diseases.
Travel and pregnant: pregnancy itself is not an obstacle to travel, but there are two points to be alert to them, namely:
* Some airlines prohibit travel carrier which entered the sixth week of the thirty (ninth month), for fear of giving birth in the plane, in the case of carrying twins after the thirty-second week.
* Problematic give some yellow fever vaccinations (not given to the holder only in very minor exceptions), and most malaria preventive drugs not licensed for pregnant.
Child and Travel: prevents the child from traveling by plane before the lapse of 48 hours of birth, and preferably after 7 days. During the flight, it is advisable to give him Haah or breastfeed through the breast.
There are problematic in the ineffectiveness of vaccination measles and yellow fever to those who are less than a year.
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